Tense is an important aspect of the English language but many languages do not have tense and so, initially, it can be a major hurdle for multilingual students. The problem for these students is that there are many tense choices available and using traditional terms to name each one, such as present …
Adam Monnington is a Year 4 class teacher at Britannica International School in Shanghai where he has worked for the past 5 years. Adam also has responsibility for English as a cross phase co-ordinator from EYFS to Secondary. Part of this position is what initially led him towards the …
Visual representation categorises and organises ideas in a particular way. This broad term encompasses other terms such as graphic outline, structured overview and concept map. It is one of a number of pre-reading strategies which assists students to gain meaning from the text by: providing a …
We are thrilled to announce that Lexis Education has won theRunner Up prize at the prestigious COBIS Supporting Member of the Year Awards 2019. We would like to thank the wonderful British School of Jakarta for nominating us. We are genuinely humbled to receive such warm recognition from the …
The human brain is a hugely complex organ and the talk about it is complex and often hotly contested. The fact that it garners a lot of attention in the media as well as in popular literature makes talk of the brain increasingly interesting, and necessary, for educators. This article sets out to …
A few years ago, we shared with you a research conducted in 2018 and evaluating the whole-school implementation of an explicit language-based pedagogy in one of the most economically disadvantaged schools in Victoria, Australia. We are excited today to be sharing with you two exciting updates …
Thank you to the Australian International School Hong Kong for hosting a highly successful Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms tutor training. Really enjoyed doing this. Heavy impact. I have grown considerably in 5 days! Intense but very useful. It will take some thought and time to pull …
The British School Jakarta has been present in Jakarta for over 40 years and has a role of 1,400 students aged 3 to 18. In 2015, BSJ decided to implement Lexis Education's Teaching in English in multilingual classrooms (TEMC) course, a language-based pedagogy to accelerate multilingual …
Providing a high-challenge curriculum for all students By Brian Dare When we take a moment to consider the range of texts students are expected to compose and comprehend in any schooling context, we begin to understand the enormity of the meaning-making challenge that all students face as they …
We are excited to announce that Lexis Education is now a COBIS Supporting Member. COBIS is the premier global membership association for British international schools overseas. COBIS delivers world-class quality assurance and external validation through the COBIS Patron’s Accreditation and …
An interview with Lois L. Warner Ph.D., Assistant Director for Curriculum at the International Academy Amman Do you find the Lexis Education programs to be cost effective? As the director of PD at my school, I have been looking for this model (train-the-trainer) to fill as many of our needs as …
New book champions NNESTs and TESMC in ESL and MT provision by Maurice Carder In many international schools the majority of students aren’t native speakers of the school’s Language of Instruction, which in 90% of cases is English. Clearly then, the schools need to provide a programme structure, …
Do you want to be notified of new posts by email? Subscribe to our newsletter here. Words by Brian Dare, Director at Lexis Education What is scaffolding? The metaphor used to capture the way in which a teacher provides particular kinds of support within the interactions taking place between …
Thank you to Cyril Jackson Senior Campus for hosting our last How Language Works Tutor Training of the year. Very enjoyable - relaxed delivery with plenty of time and attention for discussion. Very valuable as Head of Department. Very important for building whole-school, systematic, organised …
We are thrilled to welcome Helen Handford to the Lexis Education team. Helen is a UK-based EAL teacher, trainer and consultant with over 25 years’ experience in developing language and literacy across the curriculum in diverse, multilingual primary and secondary school contexts. She specialises …
Thank you to Dulwich College Suzhou for hosting our Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms Tutor Training. A highly enjoyable week surrounded by passionate teachers. Impressed and thoroughly appreciative. I feel overwhelmed by how much development I've experienced in only a single week. The …
Thank you to our wonderful trainer, Lynette, for delivering another "eye-opening" course. The feedback from participants is outstanding. This course was so enjoyable. I hung onto every word the entire course. It opened my eyes to a deeper and more meaningful way to enhance my teaching practice. …
We would like to thank Suzhou Singapore International School (SSIS) for hosting tutor training in two Lexis Education courses this month - TYCEMC, our training aimed for all teachers working with young children, and LFL, the first international edition of our flagship literacy course. SSIS is …
In Australia, the English as an additional language New Arrivals Program (NAP) provides initial, on-arrival intensive English tuition for newly arrived students in primary schools, high schools andIntensive English Centres in order to develop their English language skills so that they are able to …
Thank you to the enthusiastic and passionate teachers who joined us at St Joseph's College in Geelong to complete the Literacy for Learning Tutor Training. Read below what they had to say about the training. Thoroughly engaging - providing the time for clarification and conversation both from the …
Brett Healey is a Literacy Coach at Victoria Shanghai Academy, Hong Kong, and Tutor for the Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms course. Here is what he has to say about delivering the Teacher Course to his colleagues. Did you find the tutor training to be valuable? Yes. The course …
The Teaching ESL students in mainstream classrooms (TESMC) course is a widely-acclaimed professional development program for all teachers seeking to implement an explicit, language-based pedagogy across all learning contexts. A key focus of the course is developing teachers’ knowledge about language …
A strong group of 16 people joined us at Copperfield College for a 4-day Literacy for Learning Tutor Training. Rigorous but accessible. Fascinating, enlightening yet practical. Pip Griffiths, Campus Principal, Copperfield College Enjoyed this course immensely. The practical steps and skills …
Caroline is an EAL teacher at Bali Island School. She completed the TESMC Tutor Training last year. Did you find the tutor training to be valuable? Yes, very. Not only did it enable our teachers and I to receive up-to-date training on accommodating for EAL learners in our school, it …
Courtney Malone did Tutor Training course in 2016. She is a Curriculum and Teacher Development Supervisor at Yew Wah Educational School System. Did you find the Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (TESMC) tutor training to be valuable? Yes – after the tutor training I was confident in …
If you are based in NSW, Australia, you might be aware that you are required as a teacher (Proficient Teacher level) to complete a minimum of 50 hours of NESA Registered Professional Development to maintain accreditation. We are excited to announce that the Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream …
Our Director, Brian Dare, presented a series of workshops at the 2018 New Arrivals Program Professional Learning Conference on 1 June 2018 in Melbourne. Topic: A language-based approach to building a New Arrival student’s capacity to comprehend the complex texts of the secondary …
Another highly successful Literacy for Learning Tutor Training in Wollongong, led by our consultant Lynette Lingard. This course has been extremely rewarding and allowed for reflection on my teaching practice. All modules were beneficial in allowing all KLW teachers to see the importance of …
A huge thank you to our trainer, Lynette, for running another successful Literacy for Learning Tutor Training in Brisbane this month. I find this course to be of value in how to make literacy a whole-curriculum aspect and every faculty's responsibility. Irene Boundy, EALD HOSES, Aspley State High …
We are very excited to welcome Lynette Lingard to the Lexis Education team! Lynette is a highly experienced ESL teacher who has taught in the primary and secondary sectors as well as specialist ESL centres. One of the main roles in her teaching career is to devise, plan and implement quality …