We are thrilled to welcome Helen Handford to the Lexis Education team.
Helen is a UK-based EAL teacher, trainer and consultant with over 25 years’ experience in developing language and literacy across the curriculum in diverse, multilingual primary and secondary school contexts. She specialises in improving outcomes for all pupils through strategic, whole-school approaches to the development of academic registers of language.
A key focus of Helen’s work is the development of teacher expertise, in terms of both knowledge about language and pedagogy that teaches language explicitly across all curriculum areas. Alongside her work in schools, Helen has worked with local authority advisory teams, taught university-based initial teacher training programmes, and is involved in both national and international research into literacy in education.
Helen is an international tutor trainer for How Language Works (HLW); Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms: Language in Learning across the Curriculum (TESMC:LiLaC); Literacy for Learning (LfL); and Teaching Young Children in English in Multilingual Contexts (TYCEMC).
She will be running a TESMC Tutor Training in London at the end of January 2019. REGISTER HERE