Thank you to Dulwich College Suzhou for hosting our Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms Tutor Training. A highly enjoyable week surrounded by passionate teachers.
Impressed and thoroughly appreciative. I feel overwhelmed by how much development I’ve experienced in only a single week. The content is comprehensive and its sequence is intelligently orchestrated; it practices what it preaches. Invaluable to me as a model in which to frame both my understanding and my professional planning. It’s even inspired and informed my vision for the ideal’s school and program. Benjamin Greuter, IGCSE ESL Coordinator, Ningbo HD Bilingual School
Hugely enjoyed. I can see already that it will have a huge impact in my practice. Nick Bateman, Professional Learning Lead for English Language Learning, Dulwich College Suzhou
It was an excellent course which had excellent pace and has given me the tools needed to deliver the course myself. Excellent content with lots of valuable tips that can be used within my practice and will help other teachers after the course is delivered.Lots of techniques and a better understanding as to how I can modify my practice to support EAL learners. This will benefit the children of the school and other teachers. Maria Smyth, Head of Primary English & Geography, Britannica International School Shanghai
While very intense and content-heavy, this course broadened my field of knowledge and gave names to things I’d known, but not explicitly labeled. This type of growth and learning is highly stimulating for me. This will definitely inform my teaching and our new school’s direction forward. I can’t wait to deliver it. Trisha Pospisil, Grade 6 English & Junior High Curriculum Coordinator, Nanwai King’s College School