16 teachers joined us at the Catholic Leadership Centre from 22 to 26 May 2017 to be trained as tutors as part of the Teaching ESL Students in Mainstream Classrooms (TESMC) Tutor Training. We received some overwhelming feedback.
I believe it is one of the best professional development programs around regarding EAL students. Our universities should take a closer look at it. Thanks Brian for an enjoyable, informative and entertaining week of learning.
This is the best PD I have done. Very high impact – it expanded understanding of possibilities of language instruction for all students. It made me aware of how I can improve and how my school can improve. It was wonderful to meet motivated professionals from so many different settings and learn from them. It will benefit both my students and my school.
I have been impacted greatly. I have a thirst to further my grammar and language structure knowledge. I have a desire to be the ferocious driving force to implement this in our school. The program will improve my teaching practices, and if I can gain support of my leadership, it could do so for my students and whole school. Brian was knowledgeable, approachable and flexible. He is an obvious expert who makes concepts accessible by grounding in actual practice.
It was an intense but thought-provoking course, helping to build on existing knowledge and skills. The program is going to help the school develop language teaching across all subjects.
Great course. I felt overwhelmed on beginning the course but by the end I found that with the sequence of modules everything was making sense! I think the course is in line with the needs at our school. I felt very spoilt this week.
An eye-opening and positive experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the build up of information each day. So much content to consume, digest and process – wonderful. It was immensely valuable as a springboard for my own learning and for the process to follow. I’m looking forward to seeing how the course develops and is initiated. Exciting times.
Thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the course. Amazing range of content – great deal of new topics and learning for me! I’m looking forward to discussing process with staff and starting. A most valuable week.
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