As part of her presentation at the ECIS MLIE conference in February 2024, Tiffany Crook, English Language acquisition specialist at the Inter-Community School Zurich, put together this great video on the implementation of Lexis Education’s ‘Teaching in English in multilingual classrooms’ (TEMC) course.
Tiffany was trained as a TEMC Tutor in June 2023. The feedback she received from participants is a testament to her expertise and dedication:
The impact of this course on my teaching has been significant. It has changed my focus and broadened my understanding of being a good teacher (far more holistic). Anna Z.
I feel more aware of the challenges that multilingual students can face and of how I can support them. Frances T.
The TEMC course has reinforced the idea that we all share responsibility when teaching in. a multilingual environment and as teachers, we should be held accountable for this. Emilie G.
We hope you enjoy watching this video.