Thank you to Concordia International School Shanghai for hosting Teaching Young Children in English in Multilingual Contexts from 6 to 9 November 2017.
Modules 1 and 2 were my favourite. Appreciated another way of thinking about ESL instruction/training. Looking forward to working with my staff to incorporate these ideas into inquiry based learning. Ricki Millevolte, Grade 1 Classroom Teacher, Saigon South International School
Thoroughly enjoyable and immensely useful! It’s been a long time since I’ve concentrated in this way but I’ve had a great time. The progression of the course makes sense and I like the way it all comes together for Module Invaluable. It’s come at the perfect time in terms of reshaping
the way our school views EAL and the development of my role. Great to have things I can implement immediately beyond just running the course. Erin Wright, Head of Primary EAL, British Vietnamese International School Hanoi
I really enjoyed doing the course because I could genuinely see how it would impact my own teaching and what a difference it could make to my school. Everything in the course was pitched at the right level. I feel like I was being stretched but could still understand and access the content. As a head of department, I can see the value it would bring to our setting. I feel that it could help to overcome some of the barriers we have in our school eg. how to stretch those native English speakers. The course was delivered in a way that was relevant, useful and engaging. I am looking forward to getting back and delivering this course as I really feel it would empower our teaching staff! Stephanie Jennings, Lower Primary English Coordinator, YK Pao School
I have taken the TESMC course last year and this time it was a valuable experience to be able to see how the 2 courses work together and how the TESMC builds up on the TYCEMC. The content was relevant and meaningful. The immediate value of the course resides in how it is going to be implemented across a school or division. I see the content of this course as a missing piece to our current literacy program and as an answer to an ongoing question about the best ways to help students build linguistic complexity. Monica Ghicu, Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator, Concordia International School Shanghai
Very engaging. A very well-paced presentation, allowing participants to relax and contribute. All very relevant content to my field (Junior School Literacy). This course forms a consultative strange of how we will implement literacy and EAL teaching in my school. JP is an excellent presenter with humour and great subject knowledge. Edward Philpott, Literacy Coordinator, Wellington College International Tianjin
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