3L: Language and literacy for learning is a comprehensive, research-based professional development program that supports teachers looking for a pedagogical approach that improves learning outcomes for all students. The course presents strategies and addresses issues concerning the fundamental relationship between literacy and successful learning. The course promotes the use of these literacy strategies in all areas of learning.
The strength of 3L: Language and literacy for learning lies in its ability to:
- include all teachers through its conception of literacy as a capacity for making meaning across the whole curriculum through language, visuals and animation
- develop teachers’ and students’ understanding of the role of literacy in
successful learning - provide effective strategies for scaffolding students through explicit teaching of the language and visual resources that they need to be successful learners across all learning areas
- build a set of shared understandings about language and literacy as a critical part of establishing and maintaining productive and meaningful working relationships between all teachers
- provide a positive context for teachers to reflect critically and openly on their teaching and to trial suggested strategies
- promote whole-school approaches to addressing the needs of students in developing high levels of literacy across the curriculum.
3L: Language and literacy for learning is delivered through a series of modules incorporating interactive, hands-on activities, which will provide teachers with evidence-based classroom strategies for improving the learning outcomes of all their students.